RAITH, An Overview

Rapid Algorithmic IT Healthcheck (RAITH) service offers an objective, high-level diagnostic analysis of your IT organization.  Based on answers you provide to a range of carefully crafted questions, the sophisticated algorithms within our RITE analytics tool will highlight opportunities for improvement across the whole spectrum of IT activities.  Chordia Consulting is pleased to now be able to offer the RAITH service for worldwide purchase and delivery completely online.  (RAITH In-Depth will is available for more detailed analysis of specific areas).

The RAITH standard service features a portfolio of 30 diagnostic questions grouped into 10 areas.  These questions cover a wide range of situations that may be relevant to your IT organization.  Each of these questions is framed as a possible problem or ‘symptom’ that may exist and that you will perhaps recognize.  There are no right or wrong answers – we’d just like you to present an honest picture of your current IT environment as it is right now.  Your pattern of answers will be specific to your organization and should accurately reflect the unique IT situations that exist within your enterprise.  You may wish to invite subject matter experts in your organization to assist in answering the survey questions.​

An In-Depth version of RAITH is available.  It draws from RAITH’s portfolio of over 400 questions to provide a more detailed analysis of many of today’s important IT areas.

What results does RAITH provide?


You get a one-page visual heat map for easy review and communication.


And a portfolio of in-depth text pages describing leading practices, key analysis questions, relevant metrics and documentation


And you get suggestions for practical initiatives that can help improve your IT performance and value 


How Does RAITH™ Provide Value?

RAITH™ provides value by… 

  • Pointing the way to immediate and future IT improvements
  • Providing customized results, unique to your enterprise
  • Helping IT leaders respond to today’s competing priorities
  • Being easy to do, with simple on-line input and fast results
  • Offering flexible tiered pricing to let you select the best RAITH™ options for your needs

RAITH™ value* is delivered by…

  • detailed report with more than 150 pages of executive-level and detailed supporting material
  • A personalized heatmap that graphically shows your highest priority problem hot spots
  • Prioritized improvement initiativesthat suggest possible courses of action
  • Leading practices that provide a checklist for management effectiveness
  • Analysis guidance to help you understand how well you adhere to Leading Practices